Monday, October 4, 2010

Kerala University = Easy Money.

Well, I dont think i need to give a special intro on dis one.any unlucky chap who happened to b a student under d kerala university will knw wat am talkin about,right?after my day at d university to register 4 my supplementary xams,i hav d urge to speak about d money making machine dat d kerala university has turned into..
                     I hear in d news dat kerala gets its major revenue from d liquor industry.i gues no1 ever tried counting d University profits.for if they did,am pretty sure u wud find Rs. 20 per application form (which is,in fact,nothing more dan a piece of printed paper 2 enter ur details,n d subjects 4 which u wanna appear) is much more of a profit dan, wat, 200 Rs per bottle(?).n i must tell u that its a Separate form for Each if u r that not-so-rare lucky guy who got a back paper in each of ur 8 semesters of engg,then Congrats.u won urself d big prize. frankly, i mus say, d esteemed Vice Chancellor has indeed taken good business training b4 he enterd d university business.may b he got his training from lalu prasad yadav.
                    I extend my sincere my sincere gratitude to d F**kin VC 4 making d lives of every engineering student,a living hell.indeed,words in d accepted dictionary of refined English r not enough to express my feelings for dis disgusting creature that wears d VC suite.d 1st time i heard about d new VC was wen he announced d new fee structure for supplementary n improvement exams.d bloody Son of a B****h increased d fees,by about 50 Rs PER SUBJECT.he must hav done statistical studies n found d treasure waiting for him - students rarely pass all semesters widout back papers (wich,in turn,is Also a contribution of d great efficient teaching mechanism in d coleges under d Same University.wonder y Mr. Know-it-all good-for-nothing dint take any relevant steps towards improving things on Dat side of d deal.wasn't profitable enough, i guess.y bother,right, dumb-ass?).so d big Einstein figured he would just go ahead n squeeze d poor chaps of their life blood, coz he knows that Once a guy's In d engg stream, he Has to get thru all d papers in-order to get anything Useful out of all d trouble.Moron.
                     Right now,as it is,u gotta pay 100 bucks per subject, plus all d extra Undefined charges that goes in d name of base fee n CV. but hey!there IS 1 plus point..! If u get more than 4 back-papers in 1 semester, then u r in for d mega discount.only 200 Rs for valuation.happy happy dis bloody idiot actually telling d engg. guys to get more than 4 papers so at they can get d reduction?what kind of a demotivating, useless jerk with not so much as a Brain cell is dis guy?????n how d hell did he make it to d VC post of a University, with such a mind set??raised d fees for regular exams by more than 300 Rs, improvement n supplementary exams by such margin, revaluation forms have their own stories. perfect pandemonium. good going, jackass.
                     Seriously, d big guy who runs d university now,has some absolute complexes up in his vacuum head,so to speak.not my opinion alone.i have heard on separate occasions,from friends n people including my college authorities, that this guy has a considerable number of loose screws.may b its personal/family issues,may b his wife ran away with a beggar(wouldn't blame HER if she did.),may b its just his sadistic character that's bugging him,or may b its just that this shit-face was just a victim of a bloody child abuse.well, whatever d reason,i got 1 thing to tell this man."SCREW YOU!".

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A day at VSSC,Thumba

I thot abt whether to do dis a million times,but d feeling never faded for Once in all d days dat i went i finally decided dat i shud put down my xperiences at d horrible place wich handles our national Space related bullshit, aka d VSSC.
 To start wid,d place is a good 2 km walk from d nearest busstop.but dats nt even half as close a pain in d neck as wat awaits u wen u finally reach d place.ya, its a flashy place alrite,i l give u dat.but i suggest u read dat book 'Never b fooled by looks' by Mr. Doomed4Life,b4 u walk into d place.after u reach d place u gotta get an entry pass-a self signed doc dat says 'i am wiiling 2 torture myself for d rest of my days here'.geting d pas itself aint no walk in d park.i got mine after a few hours' wait.thn u gotta go thru d drill of geting it approved by d faggots in d office.
  once u r done wid al dat,u reach d Security bunk.ur entrance to a virtual torture me,am not joking.anyone wid any amount of self respect n dignity wud lose al dat once u get in n out.d sick morons at d security wing wil crack their sour 'Jokes'(atleast dats wat i was told it was) dat wil just Make-Ur-Day.sadly enuf,they r d CRPF,d guys who i'm supposed to b Proud of,4 Protecting our Country.i maintaind dat pride til d 1st visit to d place.
 wen they r finally done wid their sick jokes n scanning ur bags a trillion times,u r FREE to doom urself inside d actual stuff dat makes up d much hyped VSSC.
To put it lightly,d guys who wear d John players n eXcaliburs wid d ties n ID cards,r a bunch of Up-tight shit heads who shud get their screws put in place.c,u expect sum help in d form of Directions to a building,or even wat d bloody Time is,u get sumting dat can verbally replace d Finger-at-ur-face.uptight jerks.gues these guys never wake up on d right side of d bed on any of d brightest days ever.
after a long n ethically demoralising day,v finally found a guide 4 our much looked-upon Project at VSSC.only to b hammered ryt on d face.d guide guy gave us an in-d-face statement dat was truly, n very simply,insulting.he jus made us all 'realise' dat v r a bunch of mis-fits to his SO-VERY-Busy schedule of Desk-Lunch-Desk routine.Moron.he sed it to our face-'v dont hav time to b wid u.u r all good 4 nothings dats jus gonna waste my tym.anyways,if u wanna do sumting,myt as wel go to sum tuitions,finish d job,n bring d certificate.ya sure,i l think abt signing it afterwards.'
 By the time v were done n reachd lamenting our 'lack of knwledge' n ill-fate dat v r 'just plain good 4 nothings' it was tym to head back to dat Security garbage again,to log out of d precious pool of geeks n freaks.i donno wat their pbm is,but d guys jus treat any unlucky guy who wished to admire d 'pride of our country' , like a bunch of TERRORISTS.yes!4 christs sake,v r a bunch of COLLEGE students jus trying to get thru a paper in d last Semester!grow up d!@k-heads!
n its jus my luck dat i hav no other option than to subject myself to dis self-degrading process 4 a month n half,wich is my Project slot at d piece of shit place..
oh boy..LUCKY ME.